Bubble Shirts, Banded Tunics, or Omg-There-Is-An-Inner-Tube-Around-Your-Waist Shirts
12:13:00 AM
Meet the "bubble shirt" aka the "banded tunic"aka the "omg-there-is-an-inner-tube-around-your-waist-shirt." Honestly, we need to stop pretending these tops are cute. Face it, these shirts won't even flatter the Olson twins or an 85 lb teeny bopper.... same thing. Anyways, take a look.
She could probably float with all of the air in that shirt, not to mention, the buoys on top.
Pregnant?...Or not? Pregnant?....Or not? You never want to be the butt of that question.
No matter how smokin' your body is, never put a band around your widest part.
In the words of my boyfriend, "This shirt looks like a deflated circus tent."
Here's a toast to trashing these tops.
XOXO, Dyl Maureen