6 Tips on How to Age like Jennifer Aniston
4:13:00 AM
This wonderwoman keeps getting younger and younger. Honestly, what other 40+ year old can wear white skinny jeans without her legs looking like a stack of lumpy white cotton balls? Not too many, that's for sure. You may think, "Hold on now, Dylan. I refuse to subsist on fat-free rice cakes and shots of puke-green wheat grass." If that is you, then PLEASE, do not fear, because there are some simple, FREE, non-starvation methods that can help you age beautifully:

2. NATURAL MATTE LIPSTICK. This trick will hide the fact that your lips are fading into the same dull gray color as your hair. A matte lipstick is the perfect illusion. My favorite is Revlon's line of Matte finish lipsticks. Trick: Apply chapstick before the lipstick, and it will last twice as long.
3. Play MORE with TEXTURE and LESS with PATTERN. No matter what the pattern is, polka dots or paisley, leopard print or florals, it will make you look older. It's inevitable. We all know those old grannys who wear leopard print.... and, yes, they still look like grannys. The best way to look younger instantly is to play with different textures: chiffon/knit, leather/chiffon, feathers/fringe, satin/spandex.... well, maybe not the spandex.
4. NO rule says, "You are 40, therefore you must chop off your hair." BUT, you also don't want to look like one of those old ladies with a scruffy gray rat-tail. A good rule of thumb: Keep the length above your chest.
5. Never hide your waist... even if it's hiding from you. Even over lots of layers, make sure to cinch yourself in with a belt of some sort. Super thin belts will simply cut into you like a rubber band. Instead opt for a wider, non-stretchy belt that will hold its structure.
6. Your shoes can add/subtract 10 years. Trust me, I understand that "it's important to be comfortable." My mom would rather wear comfy hiking boots than stilettos any day. Today, however, modern technology allows footwear to combine comfort AND style. Imagine that? No more excuses for you. Brands I'd Recommend: Clarks, Ecco, Anne Klein, Sofft, and Born.
Have a dolly day!