Things I Would Eat If I Was a Guy, Part III
11:19:00 PMIt's kind of funny, because at my work I have already been pinned as "the healthy eater".... which is true...... about 90% of the time. But the other 10% of the time I completely indulge. If the things in these photos had no calories, OR if I had the metabolism of a 13 year old boy, I would totally opt to live off of sweets. Unfortunately, neither is the case, and I will just have to indulge in the images. If you notice, there is a common theme: chocolate and sugar. Thank God for self-discipline! Coming soon.... my favorite eating tricks/tips and how to keep the calories down, but still be healthy, full and satisfied! Click here for Things I Would Eat if I Was a Guy, Part I and here for Things I Would Eat if I was a Guy, Part II!!