7 minutes on each circuit x 2 = 28 minutes total |
Today was such a Monday.
What did I eat today? Pineapple, Blueberries ($1.50/lb at Kress!), Egg Scramble, Carrot
What did I want to eat? A Costco-sized bag of M&M's
What was today's workout? 30 minutes of Kayla Itsine's Legs & Cardio (Burpees, Jump Lunges, Knee Ups, Sumo Squats, Skipping, Walking Lunges, Raised Reverse Lunges, Jump Squats)
How do I feel? Honestly, I don't feel that great from the Whole30 plan. I'm told this stomach pain is called "gut healing" and means that your digestive system is in shock from eliminating carbohydrates. Part of me is doubting Whole30. I do like the effects and soreness from the Kayla Itsine's Bikini Body Workout though. I feel like it's working on me a little bit.
"Each day you cross off is another day you'll never have to endure again." - Mama McCann