What's the status? I'm on my third week of the Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide. Last weekend I went off the Whole 30 after completing 15 days. I went face-first into a Rice Krispy treat. YOLO. That almost felt appropriate. I'm so glad I stopped Whole 30. My stomach feels 1000x better and I don't have to force feed myself piles of meat. Win, win. I started this week with the Dr. Oz 3 Day Modified-Cleanse. Ha, yeah. There's no way I could sustain on liquid and have enough energy to do the Kayla Itsines workouts.
What did my "Modified Dr. Oz 3 Day Cleanse" consist of?
I had two of the smoothies for meal-replacements each day (see below for smoothie tricks). These consisted of spinach, pineapple, apples, kale, lemon, lime. Then, for a Dylan-spin on the cleanse, I sprinkled in salads with dried cranberries and crumbled blue cheese, organic Panda licorice, and air-popped popcorn. Yum, yum, and yum. Seriously though, if you have not tried Panda licorice you must get to the store right now. I'd recommend the black licorice, followed by the blueberry and raspberry flavors.
What are my green smoothie tricks? I have three tricks.
1) A Vitamix is essential if you are adding celery to your green smoothie. I got mine for 40% off when I worked for Zappos. Score score!
2) Add a cucumber to temper the dirt-flavor of leafy greens.
3) Always add 1.5 cups of ice. Ice thickens the smoothie up to make it feel like more of a meal. It's much more satisfying.
What were my workouts?
Monday: 30 minutes of Kayla Itsines Legs & Cardio (Jump squats, Squats, Lunges, Knee Ups, X Jumps, Burpees, Step Ups, Weighted Squat Clean & Press).
Tuesday: 4.5 mile walk since it was LISS day (Low Intensity Steady State).
Wednesday: 30 Minutes of Kayla Itsines Arms & Abs (Push ups, Medicine ball squat & press, Lay down push ups, Tricep dips, Mountain climbers, Ab bikes, Sit ups with twist, Straight leg sit ups).
What are my results so far?
I've maintained the exact same weight, but I've noticed physical changes. The first thing I've noticed is my arms. My arms are tighter and getting some legit muscle definition. I prefer the term yoked. This week for the first time I'm starting to see results in my abs and waistline. That is always the second area I see results. The last area to change is my booty and legs. I am a dancer so I know this booty isn't going anywhere, but I'd like a little less jiggle. Buns of steel would be lovely please.
What am I learning?
1) Eating right HUGELY accelerates your physical changes.
2) It's not realistic to try to eat right 100% of the time. 80% is more realistic for me.
3) I really need some more variety in my workout playlist.
4) Wearing lighter-weight shoes on cardio day is a good mental trick. Ex: I wear my Nike Frees for cardio/legs and my clunkier Asics for other days.
5) Processed sugar = emotional instability. I'm basically convinced.