Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Bentley in the Bay

Last week on our drive from Seattle to San Diego we stopped over in San Francisco.  It was so fun to stop and walk around the downtown area by the Golden Gate Bridge.  Bentley loved it, too!

Now that he has mastered "sit" and "stay" out in public we will get more pics of him out and about.   I love taking him out to as many places as possible.   He has never been turned away from public places (so far).  I think his cuteness helps.

It's so rewarding to see the smiles he brings to people's faces as we're walking down the street.  Whenever we're walking around with him I like to watch people's eyes as they notice them.  It's like their eyes immediately soften and start to twinkle.  He can make the grumpiest of grumps warm up to him. Bentley is a little gift, that's for sure. 

Anyways, San Francisco was a really fun stop, and we cannot wait to go back to explore more of the city and surrounding coast.

Dylan, Wes & Bentley