Wednesday, January 6, 2016

My 26 Goals for 2016

I love goals, especially lists of goals.  They drive me.  I tend to obsess about them until I make them happen.  And every year I look forward to writing new goals as my New Year's resolutions.   It's a tradition. I try to cover all the nooks and crannies of life, from finances to health to career to family to romance.  I make some goals easily attainable and some goals more lofty, but I write every goal knowing that I will create a plan to make it happen.  One of my favorite quotes is, "A goal without a plan is just a wish."  That statement resonates so strongly for me.  Goals without plans behind them remain mere ideas.   I love the process of turning ideas into reality through detailed planning.  Anyways, here are my 2016 goals.  

1.  Visit Minnesota at 3-4 times to see friends and family.  I love them so much.  You can't get back time.

2. Visit my boyfriend's family in Hawaii!  I've never been to Hawaii before.  I'm so excited! 

3. Have an enjoyable job.  No Sunday Struggle allowed!

4. Blog at least 1x a week and get to 10,000,000 hits.  That's a 400% increase in traffic YOY.   Gulp.

5. Find a church in San Diego and join a small group. 

6.  Get back into a gym routine and supplement with Kayla Itsine's Bikini Body Guide.  If you are considering trying the Kayla plan I highly recommend it.  The results are no joke.

7. Get my Youtube channel back up and running alongside my blog and learn more about video editing.

8.  Take some weekend trips to Vegas.  I'm excited to see Zappos friends, go to Central Christian Church and get my Rachel's Kitchen Chinese Chicken Salad.  Can't wait to show my boyfriend the old stomping grounds. 

9.  Go jet-skiing somewhere on the ocean.

10. Visit Catalina Island.

11.  Drive the entire PCH and take lots of pics with my new camera (thanks, dad!).  **Happening next week!

12. Start doing more photography on the side and become an expert with my new Nikon D5300 DSLR.  

13.  Spend more time praying with my boyfriend. 

14. Take a surfing lesson!

15. Go on a tropical vacation.  I'm thinking Costa Rica or Mexico.  Tijuana doesn't count. 

16. Grow hair out long and healthy.  I want mermaid hair.

17. Do less impulsive shopping.  This means grocery shopping, Target runs, stops at Walgreens, etc.  Those things really add up!  

18.  Finish reading my books on investing and continue to build my portfolio.

19. Go on motorcycle rides with my boyfriend along the PCH.  Next stop, Sturgis?  

20.  Get a black, white, or bronze Hyundai Elantra with tan leather interior and a sun roof.  My Elantra in Vegas was perfect, but it was missing the leather interior and sun roof.   I seriously considered getting an SUV, but the 40 mpg I got with my Elantra is just too good.  Maybe I'm too practical. 

21. Volunteer someplace where I can help people with disabilities. 

22.  Make more green smoothies.  I love my Vitamix and can't wait to use it more.  I want that healthy California glow. 

23.  Have a get-together with all my cousins who live in other parts of California.  

24.  Cultivate friendships with other couples in San Diego.  Looking forward to more double dates and adventures.

25. Accumulate fewer things.  Clear the clutter for a clearer mind.

26.  Make it the year of the bikini.  In other words, live each day to the fullest, get outside and enjoy beautiful SoCal, and embrace what God gave me.

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!   I think 2016 is going to be a beautiful, memorable year. 
