Thursday, March 10, 2016

Q1 Update on 2016 Goals

I have the tendency to write down goals or resolutions and forget to look at them until mid-summer, so I thought I'd do a Q1 check up.  So far we are at a solid 9 out of 26 goals accomplished, or ~35%.  Pretty good so far!  Still a ways to go. 

1.  Visit Minnesota at 3-4 times to see friends and family.  Already have 1 trip down and 2 more scheduled.  CHECK.

2. Visit my boyfriend's family in Hawaii!   Not yet!

3. Have an enjoyable job.   Still working on this one. 

4. Blog at least 1x a week and get to 10,000,000 hits, a 400% increase in traffic YOY.   Traffic is up 10% over LY, so it's progress, but we have a ways to go.

5. Find a church in San Diego and join a small group.  We've tried a different church every weekend, so that's progress.  We still have 1-2 more to visit before making the decision and getting involved there. 

6.  Get back into a gym routine and supplement with Kayla Itsine's Bikini Body Guide.  I go through phases, but I need to build some sort of consistency. 

7. Get my Youtube channel back up and running alongside my blog and learn more about video editing. Not yet!

8.  Take some weekend trips to Vegas.  CHECK!

9.  Go jet-skiing somewhere on the ocean.  Not yet!

10. Visit Catalina Island. Not yet!

11.  Drive the entire PCH and take lots of pics with my new camera (thanks, dad!). CHECK!

12. Start doing more photography on the side and become an expert with my new Nikon D5300 DSLR.  Work in progress!

13.  Spend more time praying with my boyfriend.  Doin' it, doin' it, doin' it well. 

14. Take a surfing lesson! Not yet!

15. Go on a tropical vacation.   Working on the plans as we speak.  We are thinking of doing two honeymoons this year, part 1 and part 2.  

16. Grow hair out long and healthy.   Progress!

17. Do less impulsive shopping.  This means grocery shopping, Target runs, stops at Walgreens, etc.   CHECK!  

18.  Finish reading my books on investing and continue to build my portfolio.  In progress.

19. Go on motorcycle rides with my boyfriend along the PCH.  Not yet... waiting until we get a good feel for these roads.

20.  Get a black, white, or bronze Hyundai Elantra with tan leather interior and a sun roof.  CHECK! Wes flew to Dallas to pick it up for me.  As my Texan grandmother would say, "Bless his heart."

21. Volunteer someplace where I can help people with disabilities.  Research in progress.

22.  Make more green smoothies.  CHECK!  My apartment complex has a bunch of orange trees so we've been mixing those in, too.  Orange + Mango + Spinach + Cucumber = the best combo ever. 

23.  Have a get-together with all my cousins who live in other parts of California.   Not yet!  

24.  Cultivate friendships with other couples in San Diego.  In progress!

25. Accumulate fewer things.  CHECK, CHECK.

26.  Make it the year of the bikini.  CHECK.

Love love love,