Monday, April 11, 2016

64 Questions to Ask Your Partner About Daily Life and Lifestyles

We plan extensively for our wedding day, but more than that we need to plan for the day-to-day.  Marriage is the daily grind, the merging of lifestyles... the rollercoaster of real life.  It's time to talk about household duties, individual roles and responsibilities, and the meaning of leisure and relaxation for your partner.  I guarantee you won't see eye to eye on every question, so it's important to cover these now to avoid resentments later.  I've pulled together the top questions on "Daily Life and Lifestyles" from the book, "1001 Questions to Ask Before You Get Married" by Monica Mendez Leahy.  Have fun with these! 

1. Who will wash dishes? How often?  
2. Who will do the grocery shopping? How often?

3.  Who will clean the house/apartment? How often?

4. Who will make the bed? How often?

5. Who will tidy up at the end of the day? How often?

6. How will pick up and go through the mail? How often?
7. Who will do yard work?  How often?
8. Who will decorate your home?
9. Who will do the laundry and put it away? 
10. Who will drive the children to day care or school?
11. Who will call the doctor, mechanic, or other professionals for an appointment?
12. Who will wash the car? How often?Who will take out the trash?

13. Who will do the minor household repairs and maintenance (i.e. fixing leaky faucet)?
14. Who will wash the car? How often?

15. Who will do minor auto repairs and maintenance?

16. Who will call for estimates and comparison shop for goods and services?
17. Do you have a daily routine?  If so, what is it?
18. How will your daily routine change once you're married?
19. Is there any aspect of your partner's daily routine that bothers you?
20. How do you feel when you come home after a difficult day at work? What's the first thing you do?
21. Do you consider yourself a morning person or a night person?
22. Realistically, do you expect your home to always look neat and clean, or messy but not disgustingly dirty?
23. Do you need to take naps or get a certain amount of sleep on a regular basis?
24. Do you like reading or watching TV in bed?
25. Are you a busybody?
26. Do you leave clothes or shoes lying around?

27. What do you believe is a comfortable room temperature?
28. Do you often forget to do household chores or put them off? 

29. Which household chores do you like the least?
30. How will physical intimacy change once you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
31. How will your finances change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
32. How will your social life change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
33. How will your style and frequency of vacations change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
34. How will your relationship with your parents change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
35. How will your relationship with your in-laws change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
36. How will your frequency of dining our change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?

37. How will your combined credit rating change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?

38. How will your individual stress load change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
39. How will your career ambitions change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
40. How will your tolerance for your partner's quirks change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
41. How will social outings without your partner change when you get married? Get better? Get worse? Stay the same? Neither better nor worse--just different?
42. Do you mind hair in the sink?
43. Do you mind toothpaste in the sink? 

44.  Do you mind dirty dishes in the sink overnight?

45. Do you mind receiving driving instructions from a passenger?
46. Do you mind channel surfing on the TV?
47. Do you mind talking with a mouth full of food?
48. Do you mind setting a glass on a table without using a coaster?
49. Do you mind empty beverage containers in the refrigerator?
50. Do you mind nail biting?
51. Do you mind clutter?  

52. Do you mind wet towels on the floor or bed?

53. Do you mind visible dust on furniture?

54. Do you mind hearing or seeing someone chew gum?
55. Do you mind if the toilet seat is left up?

56. Do you mind watching TV while eating a meal?
57. Do you mind TV in the bedroom?
58. Do you mind nail clippings on the floor?

59. Do you mind singing with the radio?
60. Do you mind putting feet on the furniture?
61. Do you mind leaving the cap off the toothpaste?
62. Do you mind arriving late (you or others)?

63. Do you mind someone speaking to you while you're trying to read?
64. Do you mind the sound of cracking knuckles?

Hope you enjoyed!
