We are officially HALFWAY there!!! Holy buckets. This pregnancy has flown by!
The past two weeks have been eventful so let's begin on the update!
What's new with Baby Boy?
We had our 20 week anatomy scan and they told us that baby boy looks perfectly healthy! It was absolutely incredible to see the detailed images of every body part. The 3D images were SO COOL. The baby was head-down and facing up so our ultrasound tech got all of the images she needed. His legs were kicking back and forth vigorously like he was running in place and his arms were waving around his face. It was really neat when the tech made me cough and lay on my side because we got to see how those simple actions could make baby boy switch positions. And P.S. he is most definitely a BOY... wowza!
We also learned that I have an anterior placenta (it's positioned on the front wall of the uterus), so that explains why we haven't felt much movement. But as our baby grows larger than the placenta we will start to feel him much more.
The ultrasound tech measured him at 10.5" long from head to toe and 14 oz. She said he was measuring big... shocker (not)! I'm convinced we are going to have a basketball player on our hands.
Since my sister was born with truncus arteriosis that required a heart valve transplant as an infant we will go back for a fetal echo in 2.5 weeks to make sure his sweet heart is in the clear. I'm glad we will get a chance to see him again in such detail.
What's new with mom and dad?
I have gained a total of about 8 lbs so far, but I've found that my weight fluctuates +/- a few lbs every day depending on how much sodium (aka chips and salsa) I had the night before. Honestly though, I have been making a huge effort to eat as healthy as possible. I probably eat healthier now than I did before I was pregnant... not sure if that says much. I love Chipotle salads, red delicious apples, Panera's Strawberry Poppyseed + Chicken Salad, frozen Nutrigrain waffles, and chocolate/caramel combinations like Rolos. Oh Rolos, you make everything better.
One new symptom-- nosebleeds. Lovely, right? The first time it happened I was eating breakfast and our dog, Bentley, sat right front of me whining and staring at me, which he never does. Then I realized why when I looked in the mirror with blood streaming down my face and chin. Ew. Let's hope this symptom is short-lived.
Wes got to feel the baby kick in week 20!! This was probably the best part of these past two weeks. It was about 11pm and we were about to fall asleep and all of a sudden baby boy was bouncing off the walls. A small part of me wonders if it was just the Chipotle I had for dinner, but we're going to call it the baby, mmk?
Also, this week our doctor took a look at my bulging leg veins and said, "Ooo wow yes, these are only going to get worse." Gotta love a straight shooter. She suggested not sleeping on my left side and not standing for long periods of time. I am on my feet almost all day for work, so that will be tough to avoid. But Wes and I are going to switch sides of our bed and hopefully that will help.
I've been incredibly exhausted keeping up with my business, but Wes has been a huge help in the game of "get-ahead" and "catch-up." We have been busy getting ready for the 6 weeks of jam-packed fun.... a week-long trip to Vancouver, a visit from my mom and sister, a trip to Tennessee for our cousin's wedding, a week vacay in Hawaii, and probably at least one weekend trip to LA mixed into all of that. Whew! I feel like we are definitely taking advantage of our time together before baby arrives.
The next update will be at 22 weeks... only 10 more updates until he's here! :)
Mama Dylan